Hello Benny,
It is not recommended to provide your personal details or the order details on public post. It seems that you have AVG TuneUp - Unlimited as your active subscription valid till 2017.9.19. You will not be charged any further for the renewal. We kindly request you to ignore the email you have received for the renewal.
Thank you.
Have received mail that my subscribtion expire 4th. December 2016. I allready renewed my subscribtion September 4.th.2016. Invoice number (Invoice number removed). Order number (Order number removed). AVG order reference number (Order id removed). Payment method PAYPAL-EXPRESS Transaction ID. 3LP8349756641330T. Amount DKK 259,00.
(Email id removed)
Hello Benny,
It is not recommended to provide your personal details or the order details on public post. It seems that you have AVG TuneUp - Unlimited as your active subscription valid till 2017.9.19. You will not be charged any further for the renewal. We kindly request you to ignore the email you have received for the renewal.
Thank you.