Hi Uğur,
AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, you can use https://translate.google.com
On checking you have initiated 60-day trial subscription for AVG Internet Security.
The auto-renewal is enabled, so you will be notified regarding the renewal and charged automatically.
If you need any clarifications, you can reach our AVG sales team via live chat or call support.
Hi Uğur,
AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, you can use https://translate.google.com
On checking you have initiated 60-day trial subscription for AVG Internet Security.
The auto-renewal is enabled, so you will be notified regarding the renewal and charged automatically.
If you need any clarifications, you can reach our AVG sales team via live chat or call support.
AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, you can use https://translate.google.com
On checking you have initiated 60-day trial subscription for AVG Internet Security.
The auto-renewal is enabled, so you will be notified regarding the renewal and charged automatically.
If you need any clarifications, you can reach our AVG sales team via live chat or call support.
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