A.V.G Beta Free Vs M.S.E Vs W.D?

Dear Sir/Madam,
                           Hope your well?,
Did you know that both of your free antivirus versions (free and Beta) can detect a bad download and properly deals with it by showing a popup warning on the screen , while before I had M.S.E or W.D in my Windows 7 and or  in Windows 10 W.D ,was able to easily download an infected file without any warning on the screen and even able to unzip an infected file and run whatever icons appeared on the desktop up to a point where my computer was locked and the only way out was to reinstall everything back in. Can you explain why you take computer security more serious than who invented M.S.E and W.D?

Hello Maroner,

We are doing good. How do you do?

We care for our customers and at AVG, we pride ourselves on giving our 100% every day to ensure that our customers needs are being met. As the threat landscape is getting more complex, our developers are constantly working and made significant improvements to our detection rates over the last year to provide better security.

Let us know if you need any help with that popup issue.

Hello Maroner,

We are doing good. How do you do?

We care for our customers and at AVG, we pride ourselves on giving our 100% every day to ensure that our customers needs are being met. As the threat landscape is getting more complex, our developers are constantly working and made significant improvements to our detection rates over the last year to provide better security.

Let us know if you need any help with that popup issue.