About avg password protection

Hello Raghu,

I understand your query regarding AVG Password protection. Please be informed that this password protection is a new feature which will be released soon to save all your login passwords in single place. This feature is still in testing mode and currently not available for customers. Once this feature is released, it will be updated in the interface or you can check this AVG Community later to know the release date of this product.

Thank you

Recently i purchased avg antivirus.but the  the modules are displaying here :intetrnet security and tuneup and secure vpn and  password protection

but now , password protection not glowing and under the password protection module  COMING SOON is displaying.password protection not working.

what is the problem behind this.

Hello Raghu,

I understand your query regarding AVG Password protection. Please be informed that this password protection is a new feature which will be released soon to save all your login passwords in single place. This feature is still in testing mode and currently not available for customers. Once this feature is released, it will be updated in the interface or you can check this AVG Community later to know the release date of this product.

Thank you