Accidentally shut down pc during update. Pc now very slow. Restart after completing update very slow

Hi, Fred.
Could you clarify which update was in progress?
Accidentally shut down pc during updating 
Hi, Fred.
Could you clarify which update was in progress?

Fred, due to shut down the updates may be incomplete. This may cause the computer to slow down. So, restart your computer and try to update the product again.

Let us know the status of the issue.

I tried update and restart… and added tuneup to my apps from AVG. Not sure which thing actually got the PC up and running normally but one may have done it. PC seems to be OK now!

I was making a complaint about being overcharged on my account. It seems I have been charged three times since the fourth of November. I have also received i refund. Now I am looking for a refund if the rest of the payments.

I think it was virus definitions

David, can you provide us the email address registered with AVG?