Add license to account

Max, For Groupon info have a look @ this link (!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_DETAIL&dc=Windows&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS&id=906b00000004lvsAAA).
AVG Guru

I have puchased a 4-year license for Internet Security, and I have installed it. When I look in the support tab, it shows the license, with expiry date 26 February 2018. That's three years, so one is missing. I'd like the fourth year to show up as well. Furthermore, whenever I restart the computer, I get a warning that I have 29 days to renew, "because I use an illegal copy". That is incorrect, because my license is valid. At least, when I entered the code during installation, the installer said so. Third issue is how to add this license to my account. I bought it through a Groupon deal, so it doesn't show up in my account. How can I enter this license to my account?
A clue, anyone?



Max, For Groupon info have a look @ this link (!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_DETAIL&dc=Windows&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS&id=906b00000004lvsAAA).
AVG Guru