Hello Aaron,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I am sorry to hear that you are facing this issue. I understand how you feel, as these notifications can be sometimes very inconvenient. Our marketing team is already working to create a smoother experience. To resolve the issue :
Please open AVG [Internet Security/ TuneUp/Driver Updater] and click "Menu" > "Settings" > "General" > "Personal Privacy" .Within "Personal Privacy", please deselect options under the "Offers" and "Personalization" sections. This will stop any further offers of this type. If you need further assistance you can also follow the below article :
I hope this help you to resolve the issue. if you need anything else at all, feel free to message me at any time. I’d be happy to help.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi all. I bought 2 yrs of AVG Internet Protection. Why the hell do I keeping getting "you PC is at risk, buy this…", "You are at risk of hackers, buy this…"? I don't want to put up with this for 2 years! Can I turn this advertising off? Also, often when I try to Google something AVG blocks it saying I am trying to access seagoo or something. A restart seems to fix that. Fixes? Cheers
Hello Aaron,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I am sorry to hear that you are facing this issue. I understand how you feel, as these notifications can be sometimes very inconvenient. Our marketing team is already working to create a smoother experience. To resolve the issue :
Please open AVG [Internet Security/ TuneUp/Driver Updater] and click "Menu" > "Settings" > "General" > "Personal Privacy" .Within "Personal Privacy", please deselect options under the "Offers" and "Personalization" sections. This will stop any further offers of this type. If you need further assistance you can also follow the below article :
I hope this help you to resolve the issue. if you need anything else at all, feel free to message me at any time. I’d be happy to help.
Thank you for your understanding.