Hello Alec,
I understand that you want to activate AVG Antivirus Pro on your Android Tablet. Please be informed that AVG Zen has been removed for Android devices and also from the latest version of AVG Internet Security so the activation process using invitation code will not work. You can follow the instruction to activate AVG Antivirus Pro on your Android device (open the installed app. > Tap on drawer (3 lines) on top-left of the app. > Select AVG Account. > Enter your My Account email address and password. The paid app will be installed automatically.
Best regards,
click on top left hand corner of avg window and then enter the invitation code.
when I go to avg screen on my tablet I can not see any reference to Enter invitation code
any idea of why / how iI can move my free version to the paid version of avg.
All help greatly appreciated
Hello Alec,
I understand that you want to activate AVG Antivirus Pro on your Android Tablet. Please be informed that AVG Zen has been removed for Android devices and also from the latest version of AVG Internet Security so the activation process using invitation code will not work. You can follow the instruction to activate AVG Antivirus Pro on your Android device (open the installed app. > Tap on drawer (3 lines) on top-left of the app. > Select AVG Account. > Enter your My Account email address and password. The paid app will be installed automatically.
Best regards,
I'm glad to hear that the issue has been resolved. Please be informed that we are performing a major migration in AVG Internet Security, which is why you were unable to find information about AVG Zen. However, feel free to contact us again if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,
Thanks for the reply which solved the problem. Everything is now PRO version.
Shame that i can't see all my bits on the AVG Zen screen. Is this now obsolete?
Why was it not clear when i purchased AVG Ultimate that the invitation and then the email was not needed for phones and tablets. It has taken several hours and uninstalls and reloads before i gave up
Thanks again