Hello Kirton,
This shouldn't happen if correct credentials are used.
Have you tried reinstalling AVG Antivirus app in Android and logging into account?
Hi, AVG Support,
I am anot fully satisfied with the answers to my queries. I followed your previous advice and was able to download the antitheft program to my mobile after pruchasing and upgrading to the antitheft pro. I was also able to re-register using my credentials and was advised that my mobile was connected to my PC, but I am not seeing my recent purchase of the antitheft pro listed in the window 'My Products' or my mobile device. Is the download to my mobile a separate account?
When I log in my avg account on my mobile I see the antitheft pro listed but not my other products. There is no link to other devices when I open my account on my PC. The only links available are "My Products", "My Order History", "My Profile", and "Support". On my mobile my phone is listed, but not my PC despite being advised previously I was connected.
Please advise accordingly,
Kirton Huggins