Adware / malware?

Hello Brian,
We apologize for the inconvenience.
To assist you better, could you please send us the screenshot of the error message you receive when you browse online? Please click on this link for the steps to take screenshot
Thank you

why is it that  everyonce in awhile i get a  big red screen pop up that looks pretty intimidating while searching the  web online saying warning hackersa have installed  adware or malware into this site and its now going to casue your screen to  lock up  and even  possibly  a blue screen of death yet my avg ultimate  stay quiet as a sleeping tiger  and is upto date and everthings on alert  yet nothing is this a way there truying to get me to click on a link or there trying to get me to post ransome whats the deal anytime ive ever had this happen i ver touch anything on the screen i alt f4 out or cntrl alt delte out ?

Hello Brian,
We apologize for the inconvenience.
To assist you better, could you please send us the screenshot of the error message you receive when you browse online? Please click on this link for the steps to take screenshot
Thank you