Android version on Phone and Pad and Free Version on PC

Hello Syrille,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. Please follow the instructions on the article to remove AVG trial popup and continue with free protection.
Thank you.


Can you explain me why AVG propose a Free version for PC if it is impossibile to use it because immediately cover by pop up asking to buy the full version after the 30 days .

I have the AVG Pro on my phone and pad, and I took the Free AVG anti virus for my PC, which proposed me to test free during 30 days the Pro version. I did it, but at the end of test period I want to keep free version. Impossible to use, or see rapports because cover by a message . How can I take this message out ?

thank a lot


Hello Syrille,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. Please follow the instructions on the article to remove AVG trial popup and continue with free protection.
Thank you.