Ang. ny betaling 19/8-18

Hi Marna,

You have AVG Ultimate valid till 2019. Would you like to get refund for this order?

The original price for AVG Ultimate costs 549 kr/year. Earlier, you had purchased it with 50 % discount but the renewal price will always be the original price of the product.

AVG har trukket 549 kr. i dag d. 19 / 8-2018 gældende et år indtil d. 19 / 8-2019
men … I have  discovered that this amount is valid for 2 years, so now I will have it 
done if I  will cancel my subscription and have refunded 549 kr.!

AVG Ultimate
Subscription Ordrenummer: 51101301800
Licencenummer: GMD24-OP3DR-Y44PE-QK3E7-4Y3DL-IJTJY

Venlig hilsen
Marna Hjorthave

Okay, Marna. 

We have forwarded your refund request to concern team. They will initiate it and get back to you via email. Your patience is much appreciated.

Hi Ranjani
Yes, I will like to get refund my order.