Anti Theft Şifresi

Muhittin, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Anti-Theft Password
I can not use my phone now, thanks to software that is embedded within the phone's Sony E4. Anti-theft password he wants me to wear my new sim card even though I put a password. Exactly 15 hours I can not use my phone. If this situation continues and the solution I was looking at the nearest court do not think the call offering me my rights. I divide their time between your web pages for hours. Sign called the Anti theft system. I'm going this time members are asked to login. The username for and I need to enter a password to login. Forgot your password by pressing the button I'm being thrown through my e-mail address to link the new password. I'm creating a new password, but it sees as wrong password. I've never seen such an illogical contradiction protection concept. To block the phone, and is not to be protected to prevent users options. Also I can not help writing it … at a time when overseas operations are guided Turkish your web site to your site. I do not use a language other than Turkish. What I'm old enough to learn English nor any other language. In this regard, please be sensitive. I hope soon to show me the solution. I hope you do. Thank you

Please click on the following link ( and fill out your details, select as Android then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your mobile and in description please completely explain about your issue and finally click on Email option. The AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email with a resolution.
AVG Guru

Sony E4 telefonumun içerisinde gömülü gelen yazılımınız sayesinde şu an telefonumu kullanamıyorum. Anti theft şifresi koymadığım halde yeni sim kartı taktığım için benden şifre istiyor. Tam olarak 15 saattir telefonumu kullanamıyorum. Eğer bu durum sürerse ve aradığım çözümü bana sunamazsanız en yakın mahkemeye giderek hakkımı aramayı düşünüyorum. Saatlerdir web sayfalarınız arasında mekik dokuyorum. Anti theft sistemine giriş yapın deniliyor. Giriyorum bu sefer üye girişi isteniyor. Üye girişi yapmak için kullanıcı adı ve şifre girmem gerekiyor. Şifremi unuttum butonuna basarak yeni şifremi e posta adresime atılan bağlantı sayesinde açıyorum. Yeni şifre oluşturuyorum fakat o şifreyi yanlış olarak görüyor. Ben böyle çelişkili mantıksız bir koruma anlayışı görmedim. Telefonu bloke etmek ve kullanıcı opsiyonlarını engellemek korunmak değildir. Ayrıca bunu yazmadan geçemeyeceğim... Türkçe internet sitenizde işlem yaparken bir anda yurt dışı sitenize yönlendirme yapılıyor. Ben Türkçe'den başka bir dil kullanmıyorum. Ne ingilizce ne de başka bir dil öğrenecek yaştayım. Bu konuda da lütfen hassas olun. Umudum en kısa sürede bana çözüm yolu göstermeniz. Umarım bunu yaparsınız. Teşekkürler
Muhittin, This Community is basically English language.. Query translation....
Anti-Theft Password
I can not use my phone now, thanks to software that is embedded within the phone's Sony E4. Anti-theft password he wants me to wear my new sim card even though I put a password. Exactly 15 hours I can not use my phone. If this situation continues and the solution I was looking at the nearest court do not think the call offering me my rights. I divide their time between your web pages for hours. Sign called the Anti theft system. I'm going this time members are asked to login. The username for and I need to enter a password to login. Forgot your password by pressing the button I'm being thrown through my e-mail address to link the new password. I'm creating a new password, but it sees as wrong password. I've never seen such an illogical contradiction protection concept. To block the phone, and is not to be protected to prevent users options. Also I can not help writing it ... at a time when overseas operations are guided Turkish your web site to your site. I do not use a language other than Turkish. What I'm old enough to learn English nor any other language. In this regard, please be sensitive. I hope soon to show me the solution. I hope you do. Thank you

Please click on the following link ( and fill out your details, select as Android then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your mobile and in description please completely explain about your issue and finally click on Email option. The AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email with a resolution.
AVG Guru