Anti Track and VPN

What is the difference between AVG Anti Track and AVG VPN , they appear similar?

Hello Doug,

There is a difference between AVG Anti-Track and Secure VPN, but their purpose is to secure your online privacy.
AVG Secure VPN will hide the IP address, so no one can hack and steal your data whereas Anti-Track wipes the traces of your online browsing and tracking cookies.
You can refer the below mentioned FAQ's of the products below:
1) AVG Secure VPN FAQ
2) AVG Anti-Track FAQ.
Feel free to contact us if you need further help.

Hello Doug,

There is a difference between AVG Anti-Track and Secure VPN, but their purpose is to secure your online privacy.
AVG Secure VPN will hide the IP address, so no one can hack and steal your data whereas Anti-Track wipes the traces of your online browsing and tracking cookies.
You can refer the below mentioned FAQ's of the products below:
1) AVG Secure VPN FAQ
2) AVG Anti-Track FAQ.
Feel free to contact us if you need further help.