Hi Felipe,
We're sorry for the discomfort this has caused you.
This shouldn't have happened with the latest version of AVG AntiTrack. We'll definitely further investigate & fix this.
Could you let us know if you reinstalled AVG AntiTrack & checked for the issue?
If not, please reinstall it once & check if you're still experiencing the issue.
- Uninstalling AVG AntiTrack
- Reinstalling AVG AntiTrack
If the issue still persists after a reinstallation, we'll collect the AVG diagnostic logs from your computer & escalate your case to our higher level of support.
Thank you for understanding. Keep us updated.
Already released an update? or still in v3.0.185.190 ???
My AntiTrack just updated to v3.0
After reboot... the app is NOT opening. No icon in System Tray. And if I start program manually... it does NOT open.
I check Task Manager... and processes "AntiTrackSvc.exe *32" & "AntiTrack.exe *32" are there!!!
But no icon in System Tray... and nothing happens if I try to open the program manually.
The only way is killing "AntiTrack.exe *32" process... and then I can manually open AntiTrack app
I am on Windows 7 SP1.
THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!!! TWO ISSUES with AntiTrack... in 2 weeks????????
Where did your developers/programmers get their certificates??????????
Have you already fixed AntiTrack bug?
I add: I'm also using AVG Internet Security v21.8.3202-compilation 21.8.6586.561 (which updated the same day as AntiTrack)
And AVG TuneUp 21.2 (2916)
SO... when are you going to fix the new bug in AntiTrack update?
TWO crappy updates... in TWO weeks! Maybe that's a new record?
Please accept our sincere apologies, Felipe.
This isn't the experience we wanted you to have had.
Could you let us know if you're experiencing this issue on your Windows 7 (SP1) device alone or in your other devices as well?
Awaiting your response.
Already released an update? or still in v3.0.185.190 ???
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.
We ask that you reinstall your AVG AntiTrack, so that we can collect the AVG diagnostic logs from your computer while the program is installed.
Once we've received the dignostic logs from your computer, you can uninstall AVG AntiTrack.
We've sent you an email with detailed instructions to collect & share the AVG diagnostic logs with us.
Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.
LOL, the last thing I will do is installing AVG products on other devices...
I uninstalled AntiTrack, rebooted, installed again... and THE SAME PROBLEM
In addition, on shutdown... I get this ERROR
This is the SECOND CRAPPY UPDATE in the last 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't get any email requesting any info...
I got one offering +30days subscription, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I do NOT want any subscription extension. Actually what I want is my subscription to end ASAP, to buy a different Security Suite, and completely forget about your CRAPPY SOFTWARE.
2 crappy updates in last 2 weeks!!!!!! OMG, never saw such a ridiculous team of "developers"... LMAO
JUST FIX THE NEW SUPER-BUG in new AntiTrack update v3.0.185.190 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This isn't the experience we want you to have, Felipe. We'd like to look into this & help you.
As it isn't recommended to share the product details over this post, we've sent you an email requesting few info to locate the product details.
Please revert to us via email to proceed further.
I already did that, and posted it in previous posts.
Now I understand why your "developers" release these crappy updates: If you can't read... how I could expect them to write some good code???
I am NOT going to reinstall it until you have a new BUG-FREE release. v3.0.185.190 is CRAP.