Antitrack on W7 stops internet

after installing antitrack on W7 professional the internet works for a bit and then stops and a reboot is reqd to get another shot.  Then it stops working again.  Removed amtitrack and the problem goes.
I think others have had this problem, but I do not know if there is solution than allows antitrack to be used.
Thanks to anyone who can help

Hello Andrew,

We will work together to sort this issue.

Do you have AVG AntiTrack installed on your computer?

If not, follow the steps from this link to install the latest version.

Once you install AVG AntiTrack, check if everything works fine.

If the issue persists, open AVG AntiTrack, click on "Settings" and uncheck the option "Enable Tracking detection". Check if everything works fine.

Also check if you have this problem in a particular web browser or all the browsers installed on your computer.