Authorization never authorized

Hello Daniela,

Sorry, but we don't speak Italian. Please visit for more help or respond back in English.

Buongiorno oggi mi sono trovato un addebito sulla mia carta di credito di 59,99 euro per il rinnovo di un abbonamento che non ho mai firmato e tra le altre cose non ho mai ricevuto il numero di licenza. Vorrei gentilmente sapere come richiedere la cancellazione dell'abbonamento e il rimborso dei miei soldi.
Ringrazio cordialmente

Good morning today I found a charge on my credit card of 59.99 euros for the renewal of a subscription that I never signed and among other things I never received the license number. I would like to kindly know how to request the cancellation of the subscription and the refund of my money.
I thank you cordially

Thank you for writing us in English, Daniela.
This order was placed because you agreed to automatic extension of your subscription when you originally purchased AVG Internet Security - Unlimited. We can assure you that we have not processed any unauthorized payments from your card or account.

We sent an email notification 30 days prior to the order being placed to let you know in advance that this payment was due. This also contained information on how to cancel your Subscription. We understand that people may overlook these things, and emails might end up in spam folders. So we sincerely apologize if you didn’t know that you’d subscribed and that we’d be charging you again to extend your subscription.

If you’d like to continue with your refund, no worries. Just reply to this message and ask us to return your money. We’ll do so as soon as possible. If you’d rather stay with us, just ask us to keep your subscription. In exchange for your trouble, we’ll add extra 6 months onto your current subscription period at no extra cost.

Hello Daniela,

Sorry, but we don't speak Italian. Please visit for more help or respond back in English.