We could see that you have submitted the refund request and our concerned team has already processed it. You have a license for AVG Internet Security (1 computer) and AVG TuneUp - Unlimited (1 year subscription) remaining in your account expiring on 10th Feb 2020 and 9th Sep 2019 respectively. Automatic renewal is enabled for these two subscriptions. Would you want us to cancel it?
Thsnk you.
Hello Judy.
We could see that you have submitted the refund request and our concerned team has already processed it. You have a license for AVG Internet Security (1 computer) and AVG TuneUp - Unlimited (1 year subscription) remaining in your account expiring on 10th Feb 2020 and 9th Sep 2019 respectively. Automatic renewal is enabled for these two subscriptions. Would you want us to cancel it?
Yes Judy, you have submitted two refund request and our concerned team has already processed it.
Yes, please cancel auto renewal and notify me prior to expiration date and I will determine at that time if Inwish to continue the service at that time.
Thank you.
Thank you for the confirmation.
As per your request, we have cancelled the auto renewal for your subscription of AVG Tune Up unlimited and AVG Internet Security.
Therefore, you wont be charged in the future after the expiration of the product.