Edoardo, Have a look @ this article (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?q=change+payment&urlname=How-can-I-change-my-payment-details&l=en_US).
AVG Guru
You have advised me by email that my licence (no. IMSYA-RCXV2-NQHXC-QTLFI-IYADN-3HGJW) will be automatically renewed on 15 March. I need to change the credit card details, but your website shows no subscription - no history - nothing. Useless! Please advise how I can access meaningful data so that I can change my card details. Please reply by email to postmaster@egattisouthport1.plus.com
Edoardo, Have a look @ this article (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?q=change+payment&urlname=How-can-I-change-my-payment-details&l=en_US).
AVG Guru
AVG Guru