Automatic renewal

Hello Marco,
We will help you to check and clarify it. 
It isn't recommended to share account/order, personal info over this public post.
We have sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert back to us.
Thank you.

Dear Sirs,
I have received from your side instuctions to provide you some details about my problem.
I provided the requested details only on february 2 when I was able to investigate the the movements from my bank. 
Unfortunately I have received an email with the following message:
"Your email wasn't delivered because we can't identify which TICKET is referts to."
What does this ticket mean?
Marco Casati    ""

To my surprise 120,78 euros were taken from my credit MasterCard against I don't know which subscription. I have not received any mail about it.
I was convinced that I had canceled any automatic renewal.
Please inform me via email to my address which subscription are still active in order to be able to deactivate them.
I have used your product in a old computer that I don't use any more.  
Thank you.

This isn't the experience we want you to have, Marco.
We're afraid as the info that you've provided via email hasn't reached our end. Hence, we've sent you another email requesting order info.
Please reply to that email without changing the subject of that email.

Dear Sirs,
I have received from your side instuctions to provide you some details about my problem.
I provided the requested details only on february 2 when I was able to investigate the the movements from my bank. 
Unfortunately I have received an email with the following message:
"Your email wasn't delivered because we can't identify which TICKET is referts to."
What does this ticket mean?
Marco Casati    ""

Hello Marco,
We will help you to check and clarify it. 
It isn't recommended to share account/order, personal info over this public post.
We have sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert back to us.
Thank you.

Dear Sirs,
I have provided all the information you requested. I have also attached the bank's documentation where the relevant transaction is highlighted. Unfortunately my email was not even read. I am sorry to have received an automatic replay with an elusive request for a ticket ?!?
Anyway, I acknowledge the unwillingness of your administrative departement to solve such a simple case . I will not ask you anything more.
Marco Casati