Automatic switch to new tab

Hi Chester,

We're glad to look into this & help you.
As we're uncertain about your exact query, would you be so kind to help us with more info such as the browser & reason to switch to a new tab automatically?

How do you set up automatically switching to a new tab. I've searched all the settings but can't find it. Is it even available?

Thank you for explaining, Chester. 
Usually clicking on a link after holding the control key should open it a new tab. 
If it doesn't happen in Secure browser, then you may need to try reinstalling the browser after exporting the bookmarks (if any). 
To do so : Click on Menu (3 dots at top right corner) - Bookmarks - Bookmark manager - Clcik on 3 dots at right corner - Export bookmarks - Save it to the desired location. 
Repeat the same process to import bookmarks.
To uninstall : Go to control panel - Programs - Programs & Features - Right click on Secure browser - Select Uninstall.
You can download the setup file of Secure browser from this link. Please try the above step & let us know if it helps.

I'm so sorry. That's what I get for assuming. The browser is the AVG browser. I mostly use Firefox with a little Chrome occasionally. I just thought I'd try this out.

When I am looking or reading something in those other browsers they sometimes have a link I want to go to but I don't want to open it in the current tab. When I control-left click on the link a new tab opens and I am in that tab. Sometimes I can just right click on the link and then click on the new tab option. I don't have to go to the tab bar to click on the new tab to get there. I want to get to new tab and that new information right away. I would like to be able to do this in the AVG browser.

I do hope this makes sense.

Hi Chester,

We're glad to look into this & help you.
As we're uncertain about your exact query, would you be so kind to help us with more info such as the browser & reason to switch to a new tab automatically?