Thanks. I've done what you said. (FWIW, it still says it's 5577, & it looked to me as though it just updated the database.) I'll have to see whether the problem recurs. I'd forgotten about the delete-temporary-update-files thing, which I needed when updates kept hanging (or having some other problem) several years ago. In any case, thank you.
Dave, If you can't bring up the User Interface remove AVG by downloading & using the 32 or 64bit Remover ( [Scroll Down], whichever suits your system, & re-install using the appropriate 32 or 64bit install file (
AVG Guru
This has happened I think three times in the past few days. The AVG system tray icon says (on mouseover), for hours & hours, that AVG is updating. If I try to open the user interface nothing happens. I finally reboot the computer, & Windows tells me that AVG isn't responding & asks whether I want to close it anyway.
This is 2015.0.5577
I believe that one of these times I had the user interface open already when the update started (checking on a scan which was running that time), & the progress bar showed 50%. That time I think I couldn't even do a windows shutdown, as after trying to pause the scan (thinking that scan & update were interfering with each other) the start button didn't respond & the task manager wouldn't come up. But that might have been a different issue.
AVG Guru
Thanks. I've done what you said. (FWIW, it still says it's 5577, & it looked to me as though it just updated the database.) I'll have to see whether the problem recurs. I'd forgotten about the delete-temporary-update-files thing, which I needed when updates kept hanging (or having some other problem) several years ago. In any case, thank you.
I guess that I wasn't clear enough. I can bring up the user interface just fine, MOST of the time. But, repeatedly, a FEW times lately, AVG has shown as updating & updating & updating endlessly. THEN the UI won't come up. THEN if I shut down the system it says that AVG is not responding. Apparently AVG has, on those occasions, completely gone guru. I don't know whether at that point some part of AVG is doing me any good (i.e., checking anything that happens for malware), but something is not responding any more. I suppose that I can uninstall & reinstall, but question whether that would fix the problem.