Avg 2015 internet security upgrade error

Hello Lalita. I would request you to follow the instructions as mentioned in this link: http://bit.ly/1O9GCqv .

Please feel free to contact us again shoud you need any further assistance.

I have upgraded from avg 2013 to 2015 (both paid versions).
now I am unable to update the 2015 version. Kep getting error meassage.
Tried to uninstall but that is not happening either.
tried to repair and got the messgae : General Internal error, could not write CORE_prodkey/SOFTWARE/AVG/AVG2015. VERIFFY THAT YOU HAVE SUFFICEINT ACCESS TO THAT KEY OR CONTACT YOUR SUPPORT PERSONNEL.

Hello Lalita. I would request you to follow the instructions as mentioned in this link: http://bit.ly/1O9GCqv .

Please feel free to contact us again shoud you need any further assistance.