AVG 2017 blocking access to NAS

Dear Team

I have a problem with synology disk assistant ant avg firewal.
When firewall is off, all is working ok.
But if firewall is turned on, I cannot discover any synology devices in my network User-added image

Hello James and Artur, 
Pleased to see that the issue appear to be sorted now. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting, we appreciate your efforts and patience. Feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance with AVG.

Hello James,
We regret to hear about the inconvenience caused. We have sent an email to your registered email address to contact our Technical support team via chat to get help. They would check and fix the issue for you. Thank you for understanding.
Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance.

I booted up my primary desktop today to discover that it has been unexpectedly upgraded to AVG 2017. Now I am unable to access my Western Digital MyCloud EX2 NAS.  I have set my network to private within the firewall settings, as seen in an answer to a similar question, but have met with no success. I don't even intermittent connection and still cannot access the NAS at all.  The firewall is even blocking browser access to the NAS and Windows does not see it.  In fact, I can now only see one of the other PCs on my home network even thought they are all running AVG and part of the same Zen network.

Hello James and Artur, 
Pleased to see that the issue appear to be sorted now. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting, we appreciate your efforts and patience. Feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance with AVG.

Dear Team

I have a problem with synology disk assistant ant avg firewal.
When firewall is off, all is working ok.
But if firewall is turned on, I cannot discover any synology devices in my network User-added image

The Technical support team has yet to resolve my issue.  Still waiting for contact from second tier support.

Hello David,
We are sorry to hear that.
Have you tried to disable AVG and check whether you are able to access it?
You can refer the below link to disable AVG:
Thank you.

Hello James,
Thanks for your understanding. Please contact our Senior support team through the email link, they would check and help you with the issue.
Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. Thank you.

I just want to echo the same issue with my NAS after the AVG 2017 (paid version) update 2 days ago. The only way to get access from Windows is to shut down the AVG firewall. I have updated the exceptions with a specific "ALLOW" to the static IP address for the NAS even though the the address is already in the "Friends" IP range. The device is still blocked by the firewall. No other device on my LAN has a problem accessing the NAS, so the issue is definitely the AVG firewall.

Problem solved, now all is working well,

Thank You Abirami.

The Technical support team has yet to resolve my issue.  Still waiting for contact from second tier support.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please customize AVG firewall settings by going to AVG Internet Security -> Menu -> Settings -> Components -> Firewall -> Customize ->Policies->System Rules->Enable the 'Allow windows file and printer sharing', enable the 'Allow remote desktop connections to this computer' and also enable the 'Allow stealth mode for public networks'. Then click OK to save changes. Then please click on Network profiles tab -> change the network profiles from Public to Private and click OK to save changes and check if it works.
Keep us informed about the status to assist further.