AVG accusing my site and blocking

AVG accusing my site and blocking

HELLO I DID A SERIES OF TESTS and my site is clean I ask AVG to remove my url from the blacklist follow https://consertoappleiphone.com.br/

hostgator hosting has already done several scans and found nothing like online sites that didn't find anything either. I look forward to a positive position.

AVG acusando meu site e bloqueando

OLÁ FIZ UMA SÉRIE DE TESTES e meu site está limpo peço ao AVG que retire minha url da blacklist siga https://consertoappleiphone.com.br/

hostgator hosting já fez várias varreduras e encontrou nada como sites online que também não encontraram nada. Aguardo uma posição positiva.AVG accusing my site and blocking  HELLO I DID A SERIES OF TESTS and my site is clean I ask AVG to remove my url from the blacklist follow https://consertoappleiphone.com.br/  hostgator hosting has already done several scans and found nothing like online sites that didn't find anything either. I look forward to a positive position.