AVG Antivirus Free / Full Size Offline Installer / Offline Virus etc Definition Updates / User Guide

In the recent past I was able to go to one of your web pages and obtain All the following info - AVG Antivirus Free / Full Size Offline Installer / Offline Virus etc Definition Updates / User Guide.
It seems that you have removed all that info to make maintaining AVG Free on an offline computer as difficult as possible.
Now when I look for a FULL size installer I have to go to a third party website like file hippo - WHY?
Now when I look for the FULL size virus etc update files all that are available are the ones at http://www.avg.com/au-en/download-update . Your website states "These updates should not be used for AVG Anti-Virus Free.AVG Free users can perform the update directly from within the program, or download updates from AVG Free website."
Unfortunately when I follow the link all that is found are advertisements for AVG paid for product and not want you state ie Virus update files.
With the User Guide the last available version that was available was
AVG-FreeUserManualEn2016_22 back in August.
Please could somebody post links to the requested info ie Full Size Install File, Virus Definitions, User Manual.
AVG Free is now useless to me if I cannot obtain the links because I have Offline Computers and a not very good / data limited internet connection. So updating online all computers is not an option.

Hello John,
We regret for the inconvenience. We keep you in formed that there is no offline installer for AVG free version as like before. In AVG 2016 version we do have AVG ZEN as a interface for AVG Protection Free. Due to the arrival of new threats and infections, we have updated our AVG security program with high new security patches and updates to enhance the computer security. AVG ZEN is a interface for AVG Internet Security and AVG PC Tune up for unlimited Devices. You can also find HMA VPN and AVG Web TuneUp cirlces on the Zen interface. HMA VPN is another separate paid program and it helps to hide your IP address so that no hackers can hack your PC. AVG Web TuneUp is the free browser add-on and it helps you to browse securely on the Internet. It gets installed only on the default browser of your PC and it is not compatible with the Windows 10 Edge browser. Thank you for understanding.