AVG Antivirus free

Hello Mordechai.
Well, it is kind of hard for us to identify the exact issue that you face with the information you have provided. It would be helpful if you could send us a screenshot of the issue that you face for better understanding.
Thank you.

Hello Forum
Have very short question: Recently installed the antivirus (with your assistance), all is well so far, and I would like to ask: what is the empty black rectangle the most to the right (one out os five) on the main interface window,
I will try to add here a screenshot if possible .
Well, I clicked on the "image" icon on the toolbat above, but the image is on my pc, not on a web site, so how can I send you the image ?
I am just curious or something wrong is happening with the antivirus ?
Will appreciate your answers

I tryed to send you a screenshot via the email message, but got a robot answer .
So please tell me how to send the screenshot, I tryed from the image in the toolbar above, but it has to look into a website which I have not. So if you supply me a link then I will send the pictur.
MordechaiAVG antivirus free Interface

Hello Mordechai.
Well, it is kind of hard for us to identify the exact issue that you face with the information you have provided. It would be helpful if you could send us a screenshot of the issue that you face for better understanding.
Thank you.

Hello Mordechai.
Thank you for the screenshot. We would like to inform you that the last rectangle that is empty is for AVG firewall component. Since AVG free version does not include a firewall component, it is left blank. Thank you.

Mordechai, pleased to see that you appear to be now sorted. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting.