I am having the same issue.
I am running macOS 10.13.4 (17E202)
and attempting to run: AVG AntiVirus 18.2
I attempted to follow the uninstaller instructions but the complete path does not exist. I am presuming that is because the steps listed are for previous versions.
I have only installed one other third-party app on this Mac and that is the Sony PS4 Remote Play app.
I can understand how upset you must be.
I suggest you to reinstall it and check if that fixes the issue.
To uninstall AVG 15 :
Open Finder > Applications > right click on AVG AntiVirus.app > select Show package contents > open Contents folder > double click on Uninstaller.app.
To Uninstall AVG 17:
Run uninstallation from /Library/Application Support/AVGAntivirus/components/uninstall/com.avg.uninstall.app
After you have removed AVG Anti Virus, please install the AVG Anti-Virus for Mac by following the steps provided in this article: How to download and install AVG AntiVirus for Mac
My system details:
* High Sierra 10.13.4
* Macbook Pro 13", 2017, i7 3.5GHz, 16Gb
Hope this helps, cheers
I'm having this trouble too. I'm on MacOS and just downloaded AVG AntiVirus today (8/10/22) from avg.com and it will not open. My path is not the same as what has been suggested, so I can't use the commands in terminal. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times with no success. Help!
AVG Antivirus will not open for Apple Mac High Sierra OS 10.13.2. The app simply won’t open. I have tried researching online various ways to get around this issue but as it stands, I have no protection for my MacBook Pro. Unfortunately this is a fairly serious issue for me, as I have sensitive business clientele data which needs to be protected. I have used AVG for years and I exclusively use AVG as my antivirus provider, but I cannot have my laptop unprotected. Is there anything at all that I can do to rectify this problem? If not I will be forced to switch to another antivirus provider as it is in the best interest of my clients, but I would hate to do this as I’ve been a loyal AVG user since the early 2000’s and I have always felt that it is the best protection available.
I hope that there is a resolution for this problem. I look forward to AVG’s help and feedback. To clarify, it is not that I want to switch providers, it’s just that I cannot expect to be without protection of some kind after the next 24 - 48 hours because it would be unfair to my clients to have their information potentially exposed. I have shut off my WIFI connection on my MacBook Pro which will remain off until I hear back from AVG as this is the only way to maintain security until a resolve of some sort can be reached.
Thank you for your time and support. I greatly appreciate it and I hope to continue using AVG. I have recommended the software to clients and other businesses which I work with as AVG has been fantastic at protecting my sensitive information using both antiviral scans and real time monitoring. The AVG team and the AVG software is bar none, the best software available to Apple Mac and Microsoft PC users.
I am having the same issue.
I am running macOS 10.13.4 (17E202)
and attempting to run: AVG AntiVirus 18.2
I attempted to follow the uninstaller instructions but the complete path does not exist. I am presuming that is because the steps listed are for previous versions.
I have only installed one other third-party app on this Mac and that is the Sony PS4 Remote Play app.
The Terminal Fix by Ale Med worked for me. It did take a very long time (a few minutes) for the AVG dashboard to appear, with the 'Fix' prompts, and I'm now successfully scanning my Mac as you can see from the screenshot below.
My system details:
* High Sierra 10.13.4
* Macbook Pro 13", 2017, i7 3.5GHz, 16Gb
Hope this helps, cheers
Thank you for your support, Ale. We will make sure to provide you the best solution for this issue. We appreciate your time and co-operation.
I tried the above and AVG still wont open
Hello Karen,
May I know if you're trying to open AVG Antivirus on your Mac computer? If yes, then please let us know the version of AVG (if you're unable to find it then let me know when you have installed it) and also Mac version installed in your computer.
Best regards,
First and foremost, regardless of AVG Antivirus not opening its dashboard, the AVG Antivirus real-time protection is still running so your MacBook/iMac is protected. Your data and your clientele data (if you have any) is 100% protected in real time despite the AVG Antivirus dashboard not opening. This is the most important aspect to understand. Even if your AVG Antivirus does not open, do not uninstall or abandoned the software as it is constantly protecting you.
Moving forward, to resolve the issue of the AVG Antivirus dashboard not opening, follow the following instructions.
1. Open Terminal app
2. Copy and paste the following command (including the quotation marks):
launchctl load -w -S Aqua "/Library/Application Support/AVGAntivirus/launch/LaunchAgents/com.avg.userinit.plist"
3. Execute the command
4. Copy and paste the following command (including the quotation marks):
launchctl load -w -S Aqua "/Library/Application Support/AVGAntivirus/launch/LaunchAgents/com.avg.update-agent.plist"
5. Execute the command
You will notice that the AVG Antivirus dashboard immediately pops up. If it does not, open the app. If the AVG Antivirus dashboard still does not pop up, restart your MacBook/iMac and try to open the app again. This resolution fixes nearly any issue regarding AVG Antivirus not opening up for iOS High Sierra but it is worth a shot to try it out if you are experiencing issues on any other iOS version as well as it will most likely alleviate the situation.
I hope this helps a ton of people.
Hello Max,
I apologize for the inconveinence. Please try the AVG Uninstaller from the following location /Library/Application Support/AVGAntivirus/components/uninstall/com.avg.uninstall.app and reinstall the AVG to check the status of the issue.
If you receive any error message, please provide me the screenshot.