Hello Ale,
We will work together to sort this out.
Have you reinstalled AVG after upgrading to Mojave version of Mac?
If not, we suggest you to remove and reinstall AVG once and check if that fix the issue.
Every time I upgrade my operating system for my MacBook Pro, AVG seems to give me a ton of trouble. AVG will not open its dashboard regardless of what I do now that I have upgraded to Mojave. I tried the High Sierra method which I posted on this forum on December 19, 2017, but it does not work for the Mojave operating system.
The High Sierra method is…
1. Open Terminal app
2. Copy and paste the following command (including the quotation marks):
launchctl load -w -S Aqua "/Library/Application Support/AVGAntivirus/launch/LaunchAgents/com.avg.userinit.plist"
3. Execute the command
4. Copy and paste the following command (including the quotation marks):
launchctl load -w -S Aqua "/Library/Application Support/AVGAntivirus/launch/LaunchAgents/com.avg.update-agent.plist"
5. Execute the command
High Sierra method AVG forum direct link: AVG Antivirus Won't Open On Apple Mac High Sierra OS 10.13.2 | AVG
I also tried to Mojave method provided by Alok Kumar on this forum from a few days ago but to no avail. Nothing works. What am I missing?
The Mojave method is…
1. Open Terminal app
2. Copy and paste the following command:
codesign --deep --verify /Applications/AVGAntivirus.app
3. Execute the command
4. Copy and paste the following command:
ls -al /Applications/AVGAntivirus.app/Contents/MacOS
5. Execute the command
Mojave method AVG forum direct link: direct link: Free AVG on Mac has stopped working - help! | AVG
Upon executing the Mojave method I end up seeing…
total 1272
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 96 24 Sep 05:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 11 root wheel 352 24 Sep 05:48 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 651072 24 Sep 05:48 AVGAntivirus
Yes. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, and restarted. Nothing works
I ask that nobody from AVG provide advice stating that I should uninstall and reinstall as it is a waste of their time and mine. This exact same issue happened to me last December when I upgraded to High Sierra. I was only able to rectify it by using Terminal which is why I posted the instructions I followed last time in my initial post, so that AVG technical support could see that I have encountered this issue before and that it is not a simple problem which requires an uninstall and reinstall solution
When this problem occured last December, the problem had to be escalated to an AVG senior team member. The AVG senior team member was able to provide instructions which corrected the problem so I ask that an AVG senior team member please look into this issue and get back to me as soon as possible
Thank you. I appreciate your understanding and your quick response to escalate the issue. This problem can only be resolved by a senior team member and my MacBook Pro is left exposed until it is resolved so once again, I appreciate your quick escalation. When an AVG senior team member provides the correct solution to this problem, I will post it in this public forum as I did last year so that many people can find the correct solution without having to send a contact submission inquiry to AVG
Ale, I will escalate your request to the senior team.
They will check this issue from their end and provide you the best solution.
We appreciate your time and co-operation.
I now have the correct answer. I got in touch with an AVG senior team member who helped touch up the code I had been working to get running. There is only one step needed for Mojave, unlike High Siera which had two separate lines of code required. To resolve the issue for Mojave users, follow the instructions listed below
1. Open Terminal app
2. Copy and paste the following command (including the quotation marks):
launchctl load -w -S Aqua "/Applications/AVGAntivirus.app/Contents/Backend/launch/LaunchAgents/com.avg.userinit.plist"
3. Execute the command
I hope that helps a lot of people