Hello, I have sent you an email in order to get our additional support to resolve this issue. Please free to contact us for further assistance. Thank you.
I am/have been a long-time user of AVG anti-virus both free and paid versions over the years. Currently runnng AVG FREE 2015.0.6125, virus DB ver 4392/1498, Link scaner 2722, AVG Adviser, Anti-Rootkit, AntiSpyware, Anti-Virus, Identity Protection, PC Analyizer, Resident Shield, and Surf SHield, on an ASUS X53E 8 MB Ram Windows 7 Home Premium. I recently had to do a reinstall of the MS OS due to multiple logical/corrupted files failure. Since re-downloading and reinstalling AVG FREE 2015.xxxx, I CAN NO LONGER DOWNLOAD ANY FILE OF AN TYPE FROM ANY SOURCE without the download being "blocked" by AVG after the download procedure has concluded, and then the dl poof vanishes. (I do not have 'email protection' enabled because I do not use an email client software and do not dl email to my acual machine.)
I have already gone through the basic, 'stupid computer user 101 steps' including dealing w/permissions in both the Chrome browser AND MS IE/Internet Options (I do NOT use IE - but MS has IE and the OS so intra/intergrated. I have done deep scans with no less than 3 different, well-known and respected, reliable malware scanners, AND THERE IS NO MALWARE ON MY MACHINE.
I have also reattempted the same, previously "blocked" downloads WITH ALL OTHER PROTECTIVE PROGRAMS DISABLED, INCLUDING AVG.
I have tried two different procedures in order to determine that it is AVG blocking the downloads. Interesting, as well, that AVG does not block the attempted dl AT THE SOURCE/TIME OF DL INITIATION - it waits until the dl has 'finished' and then displays "blocked" in the bottom of the Chrome browser screen which otherwise "shows all downloads".
I have gone through the numerous, rinse repeate rinse repeat steps of determining the URL source of the desired download, adding that domain to the MS/IE IDM (Internet Download Manager), to the "trusted" zone in IE (although I do NO USE IE), ensured that all necessary permissions to allow downloads are thus set properly in IE's "Internet Zone", and to all relevant permission areas within the Chrome browser settings. Then, I reattempt the dl, with AVG STILL ACTIVE AND ENABLED, and the dl is blocked.
I have tried the exact same steps only adding 'temporarily disable' status to AVG, AND THE DOWNLOWN FROM THE EXACT SAME SOURCE AS IMMEDIATELY PREVIOUSLY ATTEMPTED is again "blocked". I have then, several wasted hours later, completely disabled, closed, process-terminated, etc., AVG and all its subsections, and then reattempted THE SAME DOWNLOAD FOR A 3RD OR 4TH TIME. TaDA!
–>Irony: AVG even blocked the dl of FIREFOX, so I could attempt to isolate the problem to being Chrome-oriented vs. something else. AVG FREE 2015 BLOCKS THE DOWNLOAD OF FIREFOX BROWSER FROM https://www.mozilla.org for pity's sake! <–
Honestly, late last night and on my last straw, having read many google results for my search inquiry about this behavior/problem & AVG, with VISA in hand read to move forward to the paid version. THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN UNLESS SOMEONE CAN CONCLUSIVELY TELL ME HOW TO PREVENT ANY/ALL VERSIONS OF AVG 2015 FROM BEING SO OVERLY INVASIVELY PROTECTIVE, including WHICH 'section/product/function' of AVG is the culprit and how to tame it and its overly-protective, 'false positive' type problem regarding downloads.
I have looked high and low for some version of a 'whitelist' - and only once or twice have been able to locate the proper section/link/command for 'adding to exclusions' list. Apparently "exclusion" designation is not available in ALL sections of AVG.
At first I thought the behavior was atemporary glitch, likely from an update to AVG definitions or such, which was generating 100% FALSE POSITIVES. I was willing to look past the really awkward GUI of the 2015 version based on my past use of both free AND PAID VERSIONS of AVG - however: the awkwardness and convoluted functionality of the interface, combined with IT BLOCKING EVERYTHING i CHOSE TO DOWNLOAD, EVEN TOTALLY LEGITIMATE PROGRAMS LIKE FIREFOX!! leave me ready for (a) a specific, non-touch-my-nose-with-my-tail-spin-three-times-and-upload-screenshots response which (b) ANSWERS WHY THIS IS HAPPENING W/MY INSTALLED VERSION OF AVG AND (c) HOW TO PERMANENTLY CORRECT IT.
Thank you.
P.S. Your prompt and relevant response is necessary prior to my 'paid-upping' once again for AVG, any AVG product, and indeed, keeping AVG at all.
Hello, I have sent you an email in order to get our additional support to resolve this issue. Please free to contact us for further assistance. Thank you.
AVG User, Please refrain from carrying out multiple postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster! Other posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000DK8UAAW).
AVG Guru