Avg blocking Clean my Mac x

Hello Mal,

We will clarify this for you.
Please be informed that we are detecting the app as PUP/PUA potentially unwanted program/application because the app is marked as Decptor
And does not match with our Guidelines

If you wish to use the app you may have to disable scanning for PUAs - Preferences - Scanning in the AVG.
Avg is blocking my clean my Mac X. How to stop avg quarantine the programme. Avg is up todate
Hello Mal,

We will clarify this for you.
Please be informed that we are detecting the app as PUP/PUA potentially unwanted program/application because the app is marked as Decptor
And does not match with our Guidelines

If you wish to use the app you may have to disable scanning for PUAs - Preferences - Scanning in the AVG.