Hello Rajarajan,
My apologies for the delay in answering, I have been monitoring the computer spasmodically.
I reinstalled AVG Internet Security and PCTuneUp plus I installed Web TuneUp
I was not asked for any keys and I had done it all before I got your reply.
The e-mail part work but the system started, for the seventh time, to try to download the WIN10 Update 1511.
At this point I realised that the last time I used Web TuneUp I had problems in that I was stopped from doing internet banking.
I then cancelled the update and uninstalled Web TuneUp.
Then I started the WIN 10 update search again and got the message that the computer is up to date. Another check the following day confirmed it so this means that you undoubtedly have some crap written into Web TuneUp and need to explore it. I will NEVER use it on any computer.
The result is that everything is now working correctly again.
However, this does not mean that I am pleased with AVG, you have caused so many problems that I will need a lot of convincing to renew my subscriptions.
Regards, philip
Hello Rajarajan,
My apologies for the delay in answering, I have been monitoring the computer spasmodically.
I reinstalled AVG Internet Security and PCTuneUp plus I installed Web TuneUp
I was not asked for any keys and I had done it all before I got your reply.
The e-mail part work but the system started, for the seventh time, to try to download the WIN10 Update 1511.
At this point I realised that the last time I used Web TuneUp I had problems in that I was stopped from doing internet banking.
I then cancelled the update and uninstalled Web TuneUp.
Then I started the WIN 10 update search again and got the message that the computer is up to date. Another check the following day confirmed it so this means that you undoubtedly have some crap written into Web TuneUp and need to explore it. I will NEVER use it on any computer.
The result is that everything is now working correctly again.
However, this does not mean that I am pleased with AVG, you have caused so many problems that I will need a lot of convincing to renew my subscriptions.
Regards, philip
Hello Philip,
Please accept our since and unreserved apology for all the inconvenience caused. We are always working to improve your experience with us. Regarding the 'Windows' update issue, we suggest you to temporary disable your AVG program (http://avgclick.me/TempDisableAVG) to check if the issue persists. We also suggest you to provide a screen-shot of the error message where AVG says "Microsoft website has a problem with its certificate" which will help us in identifying the issue. We also request you to check for third party antivirus other than AVG installed in your PC. To get assistance, you can also contact our official customer support by clicking on https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en_US .You can always submit your valuable feedback in link removed.Thank you.
Not sure which category this falls into.
I have tried updating Win 10 update 1511, 6 times and whilst it goes thro' the whole process, it always fails. After trying to log in to my hotmail yesterday - (it has not been used on this particular computer for about 3 weeks) - I discovered that avg tells me that the Microsoft website has a problem with its certificate and will not let me progress any further.
This explains why I have wasted valuable COSTLY bandwidth trying to update Win 10 to no avail…
I have never previously had this message in all the years that I have used MS.
There are 5 computers in this house and if you read my previous problems over the last 18 months or so , even as recent as last week, there has been a different problem for each of four of these computers.
The most annoying one resulted in me removing avg from the computer altogether because the call center people, 3 of them, insisted (unsuccesfully) that I should buy a $299 package instead of fixing the very obvious avg problem. I now use Sophos on that computer and am happy with it.
I would like to get an address to where I can make an official complaint about avg.
I do not want statements like "We are sorry that you …etc" , I would like this problem fixed.
It is true to say that avg is seriously in danger of losing this customer after about 8 years of good service and about 1 year of crap service. philip
Hello Philip,
We apologize if an AVG product did not meet your expectations. Our main goal is to keep our customers happy.AVG carefully monitors the quality of our products and the service we provide, therefore all feedback from our customers is important to us.You can always submit your valuable feedback in link removed.Thank you.
Hello Philip,
Please accept our since and unreserved apology for all the inconvenience caused. We are always working to improve your experience with us. Regarding the 'Windows' update issue, we suggest you to temporary disable your AVG program (http://avgclick.me/TempDisableAVG) to check if the issue persists. We also suggest you to provide a screen-shot of the error message where AVG says "Microsoft website has a problem with its certificate" which will help us in identifying the issue. We also request you to check for third party antivirus other than AVG installed in your PC. To get assistance, you can also contact our official customer support by clicking on https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en_US .You can always submit your valuable feedback in link removed.Thank you.
Hello Philip,
Thank you for providing us the screenshot. Please try to disable the AVG program and check whether you could access the website without issues.