AVG Browser issue

Hello, Bruce

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
In this case, I request you to uninstall the AVG Secure Browser and reinstall it.
Let us know if you still face the issue along with the screenshot of it.
And about AVG Forum, we are resolving every issues that are posted in this page.
If the answers are no the comment, we might have redirected the customer to our support where it can be solved.
Keep us posted.
Greetings AVG team.
Browser issue continuation ( as per details above).

In following Rakshith's advice...
I deleted the existing AVG.
I downloaded the AVG Browser and reistalled it from here - www.avg.com › en-au › secure-browser

I opened the AVG browser to my website page here - https://menshealthaustralia.info/mens-events.
I then opened a new tab (at the same time) and logged into my website Wordpress account and performed a simulation of the same situation as the other day.
[ this involves replacing one picture for another... I deleted the first picture FROM the media folder only, and not the page (which shows up as a "square box" when viewing the page from Firefox (see enclosed image) - BUT If I view the page in AVG Browser there is no image shown [ but it is still there with proof from the WP page code!]
In other words, according to my WP coding the image is still on the page [even as an outline) which the Firefox browser is "reading" (rightly so) BUT the AVG Browser does not see this coding (as an image outline).

Hope this makes sense to everyone.

leave it with you.
AVG browser issue v firefox browser
This picture shows to the right the old image as an outline only which can be viewed in Forefox but not AVG.


AVG Browser issues - while updating my website pages content it was disappointing to note that the AVG Browser does not pick up anomalies that my Firefox browser was able to do. I had photos on my site (that I was deleting and installing), the images were not displaying in the AVG browser but evident on the Firefox… so its back to Firefox, a pity in that its a paid account. 

I also had the usual runaround that companies tend to do when trying to locate tech support - I logged in with the only options being - Subs, payments, settings, anti-theft… and forums… I don't like to complain for the sake of it, but forums can be a waste of time by the time you read through all the problems and still can't reference one's issue… anyway if anyone encounters the above issue take comfort your not alone. - I'll stick to firefox and keep the AVG protection which does seem to be ok.
Bruce Bennett
[ Men's Elective Network ]

Hello, Bruce

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
In this case, I request you to uninstall the AVG Secure Browser and reinstall it.
Let us know if you still face the issue along with the screenshot of it.
And about AVG Forum, we are resolving every issues that are posted in this page.
If the answers are no the comment, we might have redirected the customer to our support where it can be solved.
Keep us posted.

Greetings AVG team.
Browser issue continuation ( as per details above).

In following Rakshith's advice…
I deleted the existing AVG.
I downloaded the AVG Browser and reistalled it from here - www.avg.com › en-au › secure-browser

I opened the AVG browser to my website page here - https://menshealthaustralia.info/mens-events.
I then opened a new tab (at the same time) and logged into my website Wordpress account and performed a simulation of the same situation as the other day.
[ this involves replacing one picture for another… I deleted the first picture FROM the media folder only, and not the page (which shows up as a "square box" when viewing the page from Firefox (see enclosed image) - BUT If I view the page in AVG Browser there is no image shown [ but it is still there with proof from the WP page code!]
In other words, according to my WP coding the image is still on the page [even as an outline) which the Firefox browser is "reading" (rightly so) BUT the AVG Browser does not see this coding (as an image outline).

Hope this makes sense to everyone.

leave it with you.
AVG browser issue v firefox browser
This picture shows to the right the old image as an outline only which can be viewed in Forefox but not AVG.

You're most welcome, Bruce.

Feel free to contact us at your convenient time.
We'll be happy to help you.
Bruce, I appreciate your efforts trying to resolve it.

As the issue persists after reinstalling AVG Secure Browser, I have sent and email providing additional support.

Please check the email and follow the steps as instructed.

Greetings Rakshith,
Well, your quick response certainly court me out - a pleasant surprise, THANK YOU.
I wanted to respond in appreciation… I will uninstall/ reinstall the AVG browser and attempt to replicate the issue.
I'll let you know (through this forum ) how I get on…
I am very impressed that you you monitor the Forums and made/make the effort to assist.