Hello Anon,
We certainly understand your concern.
Let us disable Adblock feature and verify the status. To disable this feature, go to the Security & Privacy Center and click the slider on the Adblock tile so that it changes from green to gray.
Please keep us informed about the status.
I added a filter on one of the pages I visit, and now it won't load the page, there is no way to delete custom filters (I.E., BLOCK ELEMENT).
You are going to have to make it possible to delete custom filters, because I doubt I am alone in the fact that I have a tendency to experiment with the BLOCK ELEMENT feature.
Now I have apparently blocked a crucial element of a very popular social media platform and now it won't load, and AVG has apparently provided no way of me deleting that custom filter, so the only way I can see is to uninstall the browser again, and then reinstall it and import all of my bookmarks and set it all up how it needs to be, which seems absurd to have to do every single time I want to delete a custom filter.
Hello Anon,
We certainly understand your concern.
Let us disable Adblock feature and verify the status. To disable this feature, go to the Security & Privacy Center and click the slider on the Adblock tile so that it changes from green to gray.
Please keep us informed about the status.
We certainly understand your concern.
Let us disable Adblock feature and verify the status. To disable this feature, go to the Security & Privacy Center and click the slider on the Adblock tile so that it changes from green to gray.
Please keep us informed about the status.