Uninstalling AVG, using removal tools etc is overkill.
This method is what fixed my issue. The error with the missing MSVCP.dll happened when I installed an update from Windows Update and once finished rebooted. When getting to my desktop that is when the error popped up regarding the MSVCP110.dll.
I am using Windows 10 Enterprise from my MSDN Account.
The missing (MSVCP110.dll / MSVCR110.dll) dll's are already registered on the Windows 10 install, otherwise if the system had no clue they were there it wouldn't know they were missing.
All you have to do is to download the 2 redistributables, x86 and x64, at the link provided https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=30679 and once downloaded install/repair the x64 redistributable first, do not reboot when it is done, then install/repair the x86 redistributable.
Once that has finished just reboot and I'm positive the error will not pop up anymore.
I faced the same MSVCR110.dll (https://clouttechie.com/msvcr110-dll-is-missing/) is Missing error. Installing MSVCR110 FILE didnt help me. I had to fresh Installation. If the above replies didnt help anyone facing it rightnow then walk through these steps.
1. Reinstall The Program that you installed before this issue occired.
2. Download & Install The MSVCR110 FILE.
3. Update The Antivirus.
4. Clean Registery - I used Ccleaner.
5. Fresh Installation
I have the ssame problem, when AVG starts it says missing MSVCP110.dll. I tried following the instructions above and reinstalled avg, and during install it now comes up with the error. I now have no functioning antivirus, please help.
I have tried following things already
I faced the same MSVCR110.dll (https://clouttechie.com/msvcr110-dll-is-missing/) is Missing error. Installing MSVCR110 FILE didnt help me. I had to fresh Installation. If the above replies didnt help anyone facing it rightnow then walk through these steps.
1. Reinstall The Program that you installed before this issue occired.
2. Download & Install The MSVCR110 FILE.
3. Update The Antivirus.
4. Clean Registery - I used Ccleaner.
5. Fresh Installation
Hi KarolieN
i had my 3rd Support tech look over the problem, the error got fixed when they download and did a repait to the "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4" that you can find here:
Try doing that, see if that helps
The AVG Free antivirus is not working for me yet how ever, but that maybe a new problem and not related, so try these fix, and see if that helps to fix your problem as well
Hi Sam, i posted the fix that worked for me in the end above
The problem is with Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4
You need to repair that to fix the problem
You can find the downlaod here:
Over all it seem to happen ever second time i restart the PC, but i think its a problem that micrsoft created with Windows more then anything else
The fix above how ever needs to do the job, try to see if that helps
I have the paid version of AVG but cannot use it anymore because of missing msvcr110.dll files.
Will you fix it or will I get a refund?
I have the same problem
I have the ssame problem, when AVG starts it says missing MSVCP110.dll. I tried following the instructions above and reinstalled avg, and during install it now comes up with the error. I now have no functioning antivirus, please help.
I have tried everything posted with no avail. Same message every time. Any other suggestions?
I have tried everything suggested above, but AVG Still won't install. It's not giving me the .dll file error now, but won't install.
Hello AVG,
I have the same problem
Error "Could not locate the entry point _crtCreateSymbolicLinkW procedure in the dynamic link library MSVCR110.dll"
I ran the uninstaller tool twice, even in safe mode. In addition, I have installed all the windows updates and V. C++ update as per the aforementioned instructions.
I have saved the AvgInstallLog.cab in case if you needed for an inspection and advice to my problem.
Please help as i am having the same problem, it keeps telling me MSVCP110.dll is missing, tried all the above and it still doens't run avg protection i purchased. What can i do?
I have the same issue. Can not use Avg anymore. I have the paid version, but I am unable to remove nor install the SW anymore. Running Windows 10.
I have the same problem. I've installed the Visual C++ etc., I have tried to remove AVG by every means possible but it won't let me even using AVGs specific removal tool. So I have a useless piece of software that I can't repair or get rid of.
The solution form Panayiotis Yianni works perfectly to remove the 'Bad Image' error, to add one more step AVG wouldn't open following this but I just unistalled and re-installed nd everything worked perfectly.
Hi, I get AVGUI.EXE can not start because MSVCP110.dll is missing. I am using Windows 10 and I have tried unistalling and re-installing - no joy. Please can you send me the e-mail instructions on how to resolve this. Thanks
jane, Uffe, Greg
Hi guys, sorry but did you guys try to uninstall AVG, then install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 x64 as well as x86 as i said before, then try to reinstall AVG, and see if that works?
if not working, try to restart the PC, then do it again, if yet fails, try to go to safe mode, and install the 64 and 86 (if you have a 64 bit windows, if you have 32, only install the 86) and try to do it there and see if that helps?
It seems that Windows 10 has some issues that it keeps coropeting the Visual C++ Redistributable that it seem AVG needs to work
Thanks to a big Windows 10 update recently my AVG also had issues. The Microsoft link above was the answer - so far. I ran for both 64 and 86 and the dll error appears to have been taken care of. It also looks like my virus updates are running again. And I thought the pain of the initial Win 10 upgrade had finally passed.
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