AVG Cleaner for Android

Hello Cindy,
On your Kindle Fire you should be having some internal storage space, so the files should be stored in the Media folder.
Do you only have the files stored in the Cloud or some of the files is there in the Media folder of Kindle?
If it is on your Cloud storage then it will be safe but make sure that you change the passwords regularly and do not provide your password to other persons.

What exactly is in the "MEDIA" file, in the HISTORY section of the AVG CLEANER for Android devices? I know there are downloaded pictures and music files in there. And I am using this on a Kindle Fire, so there's no SD card to download stuff onto. Though I do have some of it up in the "Clouds"! LOL  If my stuff is saved in a cloud...I'm assuming it's probably safe there...right?  

Cindy, are you inquiring on how to backup your Apps?

Yeah, I think there are things in the Music, Photos and Documents folders. Not all of which I can guarantee are backed up in any cloud! Probably don't even have enough stuff/space issues to be worried about. I'm not really having problems or anything. …but intuition told me that if I "CLEANED" the MEDIA file I would REGRET IT!! And from what you've said, I was right. I'll be sure to get all the Music, Photos, etc…, backed up onto a cloud ASAP! What about the App's? Are they in there in that file?

Hello Cindy,
On your Kindle Fire you should be having some internal storage space, so the files should be stored in the Media folder.
Do you only have the files stored in the Cloud or some of the files is there in the Media folder of Kindle?
If it is on your Cloud storage then it will be safe but make sure that you change the passwords regularly and do not provide your password to other persons.

No, I was wondering if they were saved in that file, possibly the backups? What I'm asking is, is it ok to delete them?

I meant updates, not backups.