Sergey, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Russian to English]
Good afternoon. I can not turn on the charging screen in avg cleaner pro. after rebooting the phone and restoring the software. again install the vacuum cleaner. the account was attached via avg protection settings there is no charging to turn on the charging screen?
In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on basically the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. Please see your other posting (
AVG Guru
Добрый день. Я не могу включить зарядный экран в avg cleaner pro. после перезагрузки телефона и восстановления программного обеспечения. снова установите пылесос. учетная запись была прикреплена через avg protection настроек нет зарядки, чтобы включить зарядный экран?
Sergey, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Russian to English]
Good afternoon. I can not turn on the charging screen in avg cleaner pro. after rebooting the phone and restoring the software. again install the vacuum cleaner. the account was attached via avg protection settings there is no charging to turn on the charging screen?
In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on basically the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. Please see your other posting (
AVG Guru