Sorry for the delay, I've been away from my computer for a while. I have already contacted Sales support. That's what my original post was about. SHEESH! They told me to go to where there is no way to upgrade my subscription. That is the problem. If you would please just READ MY POST AGAIN you would maybe get that.
Well, I did contact Sales chat support AGAIN. As it turns out, they are apparently unable to "DO IT FROM THEIR END" as you previously stated. GO FIGURE! Unbelievable. Here is the transcript for that session:
Jade: Hi james! How can I help you today?
You: Hello Jade, I have an ongoing issue. This is the last msg I received in support community:
You: Hello James, sorry for the inconvenience caused. Yes you are right, from that link you cannot upgrade. I would request you to get our sales chat support via and click on "chat with us online" option in it. Please explain them that you cannot find a way to upgrade and they will do it from their end. Please feel free to contact us should you need any further assistance. Thank you.
Jade: I understand. What is it that you are trying to upgrade James?
You: Are you able to view the history of this issue or do I have to go over it with you again?
Jade: Let me review the cases, can you give me 3 minutes?
You: Yes, no problem. Thank you
Jade: You are welcome.
Jade: I was able to review the case, and just to confirm you want to upgrade your subscription to AVG Ultimate, correct?
Jade: Are you still there?
You: yes
You: Yes, I think so. It will cost less, right?
Jade: That is right, As what I can see on your account, you currently have 3 Active license, 2 Internet Security and 1 PC Tune Up, rather than renewing them all, the Ultimate will definitely cost you less. Let me just explain the upgrade process to you for a minute and I will give you options James.
You: Okay
You: Since I just renewed not long ago, can I switch it now and maybe receive sum credit back?
Jade: What's going to happen if you are going to upgrade 1 of your license (Internet Security) to AVG Ultimate, it will like purchasing the AVG Ultimate as well for 1 year, but the remaining months for your Internet Security will be added on top of it, then you can request for refund on the remaining 2 license on your account.
Jade: The other option is, you can request for refund for the current 3 license and get AVG Ultimate for 1 year or 2 years, depending on what you prefer.
Jade: Hi, are you still there?
You: yes
You: Can you give me $$$ amount on those options?
Jade: For the refund amount, I don't have the information on my end since it will be our refund team who will process it. Here's how it goes, first option is you can get credit back for your 2 license and get AVG ultimate ($89.99) and the remaining months for the license that was upgraded will be added on top it. Second, you can get credit back for your 3 license, then you can get AVG Ultimate ($89.99). Either way, you still need to pay for $89.99.
You: Well, I need to know the amounts for credit back in order to make a choice please.
Jade: I wish I can provide that, but if you think about it, getting credits for 2 licenses versus 3 licenses. I would think I would get more credit back for 3 licenses.
You: OMG, can't you contact your "refund team" and find out???
Jade: No James, the only to make communications with the refund team is if we request for the refund, if you choose Option A, we can request for that then they will contact you regarding the request and all other details. You have the option to cancel the request or not once they contact you.
You: That sounds COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS to me!
Jade: I understand and I apologize.
Jade: It's the only way.
You: This has already gone on waaay too long.
You: You needa get with your supervisor or whomever can help you to deal with this issue.
Jade: They can't give you the price nor contact the refund team themselves James.
You: Why not? AVG is AVG. Just find out.
Jade: Yes and we respective departments. If only there's a way for me or anybody else here to find out the amount of credits that can possibly get, I would have already done that.
You: You need to figure out a way to do it then.
Jade: I already provided you the options.
You: I find it hard to believe that this is the first instance of this happening.
Jade: Believe it or not, that is the only way.
You: You provided options with no dollar amounts. How to make choice without that info?????
Jade: As I mentioned, the only way to find out the amount is to make the request for the refund, you will be contacted by the refund team through email and you have the choice to go for it or not.
You: Maybe you could put a little more effort into finding out why you are unable to provide this information to customers.
Jade: Because it's not we who process the refund.
You: Customer support has told me you would handle this on your end so why dont you go do that for both scenarios, get the amounts and get bak with me so I can make a decision???
You: I feel that when you saw that I was purchasing separate licenses for each of my devices, you should have said "
You: "Hey, you can just buy the Ultimate package and add all of your devices in case you didnt know."
You: You should have done that in the first place because I didnt know!
Jade: I apologize but we are just going in circles James. I already mentioned that I don't have the information available on my end, it will be from our refund team and you need to request for the refund and they will communicate with you. That is the one and only way to know the amount, nothing else.
Jade: Is there anything else I can help you out for today?
You: YES
Jade: What is it?
Jade: You may file a refund on this link, and I will send the license numbers for your subs on your email.
You: I am not able to do this" upgrade 1 of your license (Internet Security) to AVG Ultimate, it will like purchasing the AVG Ultimate as well for 1 year, but the remaining months for your Internet Security will be added on top of it, then you can request for refund on the remaining 2 license on your account." It is not possible for me to do this within your website. I have tried already. That is the problem!
You: Can NOT uograde anything. Only "renew".
Jade: On the website, it's asking you to enter your license number, did you enter your license number?
You: YES cannot upgrade, only RENEW.
Jade: Visit this link again, and enter this license IMLA2-G7WHL-DUIGR-AI7BQ-VA437-Y6MXW.
Jade: I'm getting a different page when I tried.
You: That link is no good!
You: Again, STILL!
Jade: Hold on.
You: I have to go. Got no more time or patience for this now. You needa show all of this to someone who can help you with it and HANDLE IT and get back with me.
Jade: This is the link for US
Jade: You can chat us back for further assistance in upgrading.
You: That is what I am already doing for the fourth time.
You: Why cant you get that???
Jade: I got you sir. I checked the link, and used your license number, it opt for upgrade.
You: This is absolutely ridiculous. I have to go. JUST HANDLE IT.
Jade: Thank you for contacting AVG Sales Support.
You: UGH!!!
Jade: Please feel free to end the chat by clicking the Close (X) button on the upper right corner of the chat window.
Jade: We have not heard from you for 2 minutes. Would you like to continue with this chat?
You: ORIGINAL MSG I RECEIVED FROM SUPPORT: Please explain them that you cannot find a way to upgrade and they will do it from their end.
You: Did you get that???
Jade: That does not apply to every product.
Jade: There are products that we can upgrade from our end and there are products that needs to done on customers end.
You: No, it apllies to this specific issue.
Jade: This is upgrading from Legacy product to Multi device product, and migrating can only be done on customers end because is done on AVG online, we cannot do it on our tools.
You: What part of " Please explain them that you cannot find a way to upgrade and they will do it from their end." do you not understand? That message came from your support. If you yourself cant figure it out then find someone who can. It's just that simple!
Jade: I already explained that. We have our scope of support. The problem is upgrading it using the link, I provided you the link and used the license number and it opt for the upgrade, the link works. I already provided you that, what else do you want me give you?
You: Well if you did that then go do it with the other scenario, find out the difference in $$$ amounts, let me know what that is and i will make a decision as to which one is the more practical choice. ;oD
You: DUH
Jade: I already explained that as well.
Jade: I don't have the information available on my end, it will be from our refund team and you need to request for the refund and they will communicate with you. That is the one and only way to know the amount, nothing else.
You: BS. You needa figure out a way. Maybe you get a raise and a promotion, aye???
Jade: I already mentioned that I don't have the information available on my end, it will be from our refund team and you need to request for the refund and they will communicate with you. That is the one and only way to know the amount, nothing else.
You: So I guess I have to go waste some more hours of my time on this after I was already told you would handle it on your end. GREAT!
You: I will have to do that at another time. No more time for this now. Unbelievable. >:o(
Jade: Thank you for contacting AVG Sales Support. Have a great day!
You: BOO! >:o(
Hello James, I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please connect to our sales support through the following link.
Thank you.
Hello James, sorry for the inconvenience caused. Yes you are right, from that link you cannot upgrade. I would request you to get our sales chat support via and click on "chat with us online" option in it. Please explain them that you cannot find a way to upgrade and they will do it from their end. Please feel free to contact us should you need any further assistance. Thank you.
I just realized I have been purchasing the wrong products. I have purchased a separate Internet Security program license for each of my two devices and also PC Tuneup at the cost of about $140.00 when i should have purchased the Ultimate program for $89.00! Spoke to Live chat rep and he said this:
""Records show that you can simply upgrade your current AVG subscription instead of buying a whole new purchase. You currently have 3 active AVG subscription on your account and you're trying to get AVG Ultimate instead getting AVG one-by-one for your devices, right? If you wish to get AVG Ultimate to cover all your devices; kindly refer to this link:
There, you'd be able to upgrade your current subscription to the one you'll be needing.""
I went to that link but I can find NO WAY to do this there! UGH! Got a couple hours in this now and very frustrated. I need help to know how to do this as I just renewed my licences and it will save me $50.00.
Please and thank you! :o)
I've reviewed the case and I'm sorry to see how it went. As you have purches all licenses more than 3 months ago then I unfortunately can't offer you the refund. However I can upgrade all 3 of your licenses to the AVG Ultimate for 2 years with out any charge.
Let me know if this works with you.
Sorry for the delay, I've been away from my computer for a while. I have already contacted Sales support. That's what my original post was about. SHEESH! They told me to go to where there is no way to upgrade my subscription. That is the problem. If you would please just READ MY POST AGAIN you would maybe get that.
Well, I did contact Sales chat support AGAIN. As it turns out, they are apparently unable to "DO IT FROM THEIR END" as you previously stated. GO FIGURE! Unbelievable. Here is the transcript for that session:
Jade: Hi james! How can I help you today?
You: Hello Jade, I have an ongoing issue. This is the last msg I received in support community:
You: Hello James, sorry for the inconvenience caused. Yes you are right, from that link you cannot upgrade. I would request you to get our sales chat support via and click on "chat with us online" option in it. Please explain them that you cannot find a way to upgrade and they will do it from their end. Please feel free to contact us should you need any further assistance. Thank you.
Jade: I understand. What is it that you are trying to upgrade James?
You: Are you able to view the history of this issue or do I have to go over it with you again?
Jade: Let me review the cases, can you give me 3 minutes?
You: Yes, no problem. Thank you
Jade: You are welcome.
Jade: I was able to review the case, and just to confirm you want to upgrade your subscription to AVG Ultimate, correct?
Jade: Are you still there?
You: yes
You: Yes, I think so. It will cost less, right?
Jade: That is right, As what I can see on your account, you currently have 3 Active license, 2 Internet Security and 1 PC Tune Up, rather than renewing them all, the Ultimate will definitely cost you less. Let me just explain the upgrade process to you for a minute and I will give you options James.
You: Okay
You: Since I just renewed not long ago, can I switch it now and maybe receive sum credit back?
Jade: What's going to happen if you are going to upgrade 1 of your license (Internet Security) to AVG Ultimate, it will like purchasing the AVG Ultimate as well for 1 year, but the remaining months for your Internet Security will be added on top of it, then you can request for refund on the remaining 2 license on your account.
Jade: The other option is, you can request for refund for the current 3 license and get AVG Ultimate for 1 year or 2 years, depending on what you prefer.
Jade: Hi, are you still there?
You: yes
You: Can you give me $$$ amount on those options?
Jade: For the refund amount, I don't have the information on my end since it will be our refund team who will process it. Here's how it goes, first option is you can get credit back for your 2 license and get AVG ultimate ($89.99) and the remaining months for the license that was upgraded will be added on top it. Second, you can get credit back for your 3 license, then you can get AVG Ultimate ($89.99). Either way, you still need to pay for $89.99.
You: Well, I need to know the amounts for credit back in order to make a choice please.
Jade: I wish I can provide that, but if you think about it, getting credits for 2 licenses versus 3 licenses. I would think I would get more credit back for 3 licenses.
You: OMG, can't you contact your "refund team" and find out???
Jade: No James, the only to make communications with the refund team is if we request for the refund, if you choose Option A, we can request for that then they will contact you regarding the request and all other details. You have the option to cancel the request or not once they contact you.
You: That sounds COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS to me!
Jade: I understand and I apologize.
Jade: It's the only way.
You: This has already gone on waaay too long.
You: You needa get with your supervisor or whomever can help you to deal with this issue.
Jade: They can't give you the price nor contact the refund team themselves James.
You: Why not? AVG is AVG. Just find out.
Jade: Yes and we respective departments. If only there's a way for me or anybody else here to find out the amount of credits that can possibly get, I would have already done that.
You: You need to figure out a way to do it then.
Jade: I already provided you the options.
You: I find it hard to believe that this is the first instance of this happening.
Jade: Believe it or not, that is the only way.
You: You provided options with no dollar amounts. How to make choice without that info?????
Jade: As I mentioned, the only way to find out the amount is to make the request for the refund, you will be contacted by the refund team through email and you have the choice to go for it or not.
You: Maybe you could put a little more effort into finding out why you are unable to provide this information to customers.
Jade: Because it's not we who process the refund.
You: Customer support has told me you would handle this on your end so why dont you go do that for both scenarios, get the amounts and get bak with me so I can make a decision???
You: I feel that when you saw that I was purchasing separate licenses for each of my devices, you should have said "
You: "Hey, you can just buy the Ultimate package and add all of your devices in case you didnt know."
You: You should have done that in the first place because I didnt know!
Jade: I apologize but we are just going in circles James. I already mentioned that I don't have the information available on my end, it will be from our refund team and you need to request for the refund and they will communicate with you. That is the one and only way to know the amount, nothing else.
Jade: Is there anything else I can help you out for today?
You: YES
Jade: What is it?
Jade: You may file a refund on this link, and I will send the license numbers for your subs on your email.
You: I am not able to do this" upgrade 1 of your license (Internet Security) to AVG Ultimate, it will like purchasing the AVG Ultimate as well for 1 year, but the remaining months for your Internet Security will be added on top of it, then you can request for refund on the remaining 2 license on your account." It is not possible for me to do this within your website. I have tried already. That is the problem!
You: Can NOT uograde anything. Only "renew".
Jade: On the website, it's asking you to enter your license number, did you enter your license number?
You: YES cannot upgrade, only RENEW.
Jade: Visit this link again, and enter this license IMLA2-G7WHL-DUIGR-AI7BQ-VA437-Y6MXW.
Jade: I'm getting a different page when I tried.
You: That link is no good!
You: Again, STILL!
Jade: Hold on.
You: I have to go. Got no more time or patience for this now. You needa show all of this to someone who can help you with it and HANDLE IT and get back with me.
Jade: This is the link for US
Jade: You can chat us back for further assistance in upgrading.
You: That is what I am already doing for the fourth time.
You: Why cant you get that???
Jade: I got you sir. I checked the link, and used your license number, it opt for upgrade.
You: This is absolutely ridiculous. I have to go. JUST HANDLE IT.
Jade: Thank you for contacting AVG Sales Support.
You: UGH!!!
Jade: Please feel free to end the chat by clicking the Close (X) button on the upper right corner of the chat window.
Jade: We have not heard from you for 2 minutes. Would you like to continue with this chat?
You: ORIGINAL MSG I RECEIVED FROM SUPPORT: Please explain them that you cannot find a way to upgrade and they will do it from their end.
You: Did you get that???
Jade: That does not apply to every product.
Jade: There are products that we can upgrade from our end and there are products that needs to done on customers end.
You: No, it apllies to this specific issue.
Jade: This is upgrading from Legacy product to Multi device product, and migrating can only be done on customers end because is done on AVG online, we cannot do it on our tools.
You: What part of " Please explain them that you cannot find a way to upgrade and they will do it from their end." do you not understand? That message came from your support. If you yourself cant figure it out then find someone who can. It's just that simple!
Jade: I already explained that. We have our scope of support. The problem is upgrading it using the link, I provided you the link and used the license number and it opt for the upgrade, the link works. I already provided you that, what else do you want me give you?
You: Well if you did that then go do it with the other scenario, find out the difference in $$$ amounts, let me know what that is and i will make a decision as to which one is the more practical choice. ;oD
You: DUH
Jade: I already explained that as well.
Jade: I don't have the information available on my end, it will be from our refund team and you need to request for the refund and they will communicate with you. That is the one and only way to know the amount, nothing else.
You: BS. You needa figure out a way. Maybe you get a raise and a promotion, aye???
Jade: I already mentioned that I don't have the information available on my end, it will be from our refund team and you need to request for the refund and they will communicate with you. That is the one and only way to know the amount, nothing else.
You: So I guess I have to go waste some more hours of my time on this after I was already told you would handle it on your end. GREAT!
You: I will have to do that at another time. No more time for this now. Unbelievable. >:o(
Jade: Thank you for contacting AVG Sales Support. Have a great day!
You: BOO! >:o(
Hello James, I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please connect to our sales support through the following link.
Thank you.