Unfortunately I have the free version and there is no way to mark exceptions, at least not that I have found
I am still getting the Carbonite Secure Backup system has experienced a problem and has to close, ie it crashed. I did mark Carbonite as an exception and it's still crashing. Unfortunately for some reason it will not let me put screen shots here.
I have sent an email to get connected with our advanced support. Please follow the steps from the email and the concerned team will check this for you.
It must be a problem wit XP as I have AVG and Carbonite on my Windows 7 machine with no problem. This started with the update
I will have to reinstall as I uninstalled it when Carbonite kept crashing
Unfortunately I have the free version and there is no way to mark exceptions, at least not that I have found
It doesn't let me move the green buttons. All I can do is uninstall each component
Thank you for the information.
Slide the green cursor which is to the right of each components of AVG and check the status with Carbonite application.
We need to identify which component is doing this.
Thank you for the confirmation Sandra,
Please toggle the On/Off slider (right to left) to disable AVG component (Open Antivirus free > menu > settings > component) and check which component is blocking the application.
The green cursor is all the way to the right on everything
Hello Sandra,
I really appreciate your effort in trying to resolve this issue.
You can follow the instruction to download/reinstall AVG Antivirus free.
Keep us informed about the status.
We will check this together.
Open AVG AntiVirus free, click on "Menu->Settings->General->Exceptions".
If you are unable to see this option, please share me the screenshot http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot of the AVG interface after selecting "General" option to assist further.
I am still getting the Carbonite Secure Backup system has experienced a problem and has to close, ie it crashed. I did mark Carbonite as an exception and it's still crashing. Unfortunately for some reason it will not let me put screen shots here.
Open AVG Antivirus free interface, click on "Menu-->About".
Check whether the version is displayed as 18.6.
Let us check which component of AVG is blocking Carbonite application.
Open AVG antivirus free interface.
Click on "Menu-->Settings-->Components".
Slide the cursor for each component and check the status with Carbonite application.
Let us know on disabling which AVG component, Carbonite backup works.
We will assist you further.
Please add the Carbonite program to AVG exception list and check if that fix the issue.
Click on this link https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=How-to-make-exclusions-from-all-scans-and-shields for the steps to exclude the files.