Avg don't detect crypt-rsa-2048

Hello Joe, sorry to know this. Unfortunately Cryptowall Encryption cannot be removed by normal virus removal methods. In order to prevent infecting it to other files , I recommend you to repair windows. Please refer the following link to repair windows. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/repair-recovery-help#repair-recovery-help=windows-7&v1h=win8tab1
Thank you.

AVG can't see and delete crypt-RSA-2048, other methods to remove this?

Hello Joe, sorry to know this. Unfortunately Cryptowall Encryption cannot be removed by normal virus removal methods. In order to prevent infecting it to other files , I recommend you to repair windows. Please refer the following link to repair windows. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/repair-recovery-help#repair-recovery-help=windows-7&v1h=win8tab1
Thank you.