Tried it, still does not work. I get the message "An invalid file handle was associated with
(the text is then cut off, so I can't see what file is causing the problem).
Hello Branislav, I apologize for the inconvenience caused. The file you have downloaded might be corrupted and that's the reason you have been provided with the download link to re-download the new installation file. Thank you.
Wassim, Driver Updater support… Have a look @ this article (
AVG Guru
I have just purchased AVG Driver Updater and cant seem to install it. I get the follow error "An invalid file handle was associated with swu7DA2.tmp.msi file.
Can you please assist me with this issue.
Wassim, Driver Updater support… Have a look @ this article (
AVG Guru
Tried it, still does not work. I get the message "An invalid file handle was associated with
(the text is then cut off, so I can't see what file is causing the problem).
Hello Branislav, I apologize for the inconvenience caused. The file you have downloaded might be corrupted and that's the reason you have been provided with the download link to re-download the new installation file. Thank you.
Hello Wassim and Branislav,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We request you to contact our AVG Technical team via the following link Internet Security and fill out the form one of our person from technical team will assist you better.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.
I hope there was something on this page when you wrote your response because all I am seeing is how to install the program, which is NOT the issue both Wassim and I are having.