AVG Driver Updater

I am not this is NEW.  I ran the AVG Driver Updater this morning and it came up with NO new drivers. I then ran Windows 8 updater and it had 2 new drivers to be updated.  Your program did NOT pick them up so my point is it is not working correctly.  Please answer this issue – looking forward to your comment and answer to sorting out the product that is not working corerctly.

Hello Henry. Please refrain from carrying out multiple postings on the same subject. Please have a look at the following posting https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000D3JUAA0p;sfdc.override=1 .

Does anybody have a problem where when doing a driver update via AVG Driver Updater that the program does a search and says there are no updates for anything.  When I do a Windows 8 driver updater it comes up with two - WHAT IS THE USE OF SPENDING MONEY ON THIS PRODUCT WHEN IT DOES NOT UPDATE BASIC WINDOWS UPDATES.  ALSO THE LATEST UPDATE FOR THIS "NEW" PRODUCT IS 1ST JANUARY 2010!!! 

I am not this is NEW.  I ran the AVG Driver Updater this morning and it came up with NO new drivers. I then ran Windows 8 updater and it had 2 new drivers to be updated.  Your program did NOT pick them up so my point is it is not working correctly.  Please answer this issue – looking forward to your comment and answer to sorting out the product that is not working corerctly.

Hello Henry. Please refrain from carrying out multiple postings on the same subject. Please have a look at the following posting https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000D3JUAA0p;sfdc.override=1 .

Hi Henry,

I'm sorry for the delay. Specialist confirmed that these two drivers were not on the list and that they will be added to the upcoming release.


Hello Henry, Thank you for the information provided. I have now escalated this case to our Technical Team. They will communicate and assist you further via email. Thank you.

Hi it has been over 10 days since your last message - can you tell me when somebody is going to reply to the issues raised as yousaid it was "transferred" to your product specialist.