AVG Driver Updater

Hi Dmitry,

AVG Support through community post is available only in English.

On translating your description, we would like to offer free remote assistance to check the issue with AVG Driver Updater.

Please check the email and follow the steps as instructed to get connected.

Купил платную версию AVG Tune Up и AVG Driver Updater.
AVG Tune Up работает без проблем.
А вот AVG Driver Updater имеет проблемы. Я скачал установочный файл, запускаю уго от имени администратора, Но программа не устанавливается и выдаёт сообщение, которое можно видеть ниже.  Там написано, что "Запрещено (403)". В чём проблема?

Hi Dmitry,

AVG Support through community post is available only in English.

On translating your description, we would like to offer free remote assistance to check the issue with AVG Driver Updater.

Please check the email and follow the steps as instructed to get connected.