Avg Dryver Updater non trova gli aggiornamenti per Win7

Hello Luca,
Sorry for not replying in your native language. It is to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving your issue?
Thank you,
Kishore, AVG Customer Care.

ho da poco acquistato il prodotto.
Eseguendo lo scan tutto sembra funzionare correttamente, ma la richiesta di aggiornamenti di Win7 continua all'infinito, problema probabilmente da imputare a Seven.
Sapreste consigliarmi un modo per risolvere il problema e/o disabilitare la ricerca di aggiornamenti di Win ?
Grazie, Luca

Luca, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[Italian to English]
Avg Driver Updater does not find updates for Win7
I recently purchased the product.
Running the scan everything seems to work properly, but the demand for Win7 upgrades continues indefinitely, the problem probably attributable to Seven.
Can you recommend a way to solve the problem and / or disable checking for updates to Win?
Thank you,
AVG Guru

Hello Luca,
Sorry for not replying in your native language. It is to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving your issue?
Thank you,
Kishore, AVG Customer Care.