AVG email shield is blocking our emails from being downloaded from the server to local Outlook and blocking our emails being sent from the local Outlook.
We have troubleshooted and know this is due to AVG email shield - if we un-enable email shield everything works properly.
We have un-enabled 'AVG scan outgoing emails', which resolves that issue but obviously we don't want to un-enable 'AVG scan in-bound emails'.
Please advise what the solution to this AVG issue is. This has been ongoing for two weeks now - there was two days when everything worked but we were receiving a security certificate message.
The Outlook message is:
Task 'caterquipvent@btconnect.com - Receiving' reported error (0x80042108) : 'Outlook cannot connect to your incoming (POP3) email server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'
The security certificate message is:
Thank you for your response.
We have never had a problem with our emails or with the security certiicate before and we have not made any changes to our settings so understandably we are reticent to make any changes.
The security certificate message only appeared during the brief two days when our emails were coming through from the server.
We had 5 days when the emails suddenly would not come through from the server.
We then had 2 days when we received the certificate message and the emails would come through.
We are now in another week of the emails not coming through and no certificate message.
Our trouble shooting demonstrates that when we un-enable 'AVG scan in-bound emails' the emails come through from the server.
There is no certificate problem/message when AVG scan in-bound emails is un-enabled.
So doesn't that point to that the certificate is not the issue.
Our email is @btconnect.com and we have outlook on the local computers and have never had email issues before.
Many thanks for your help
Hi Carol,
We're glad to look into this & help you.
From the provided screenshot, we see that the certificate linked to Outlook isn't valid or removed.
In this regard, we'd suggest you to follow the steps in this article to import email certificate from AVG program.
Please try the above step & let us know if it helps.
Thank you for writing us back, Carol.
We regret the trouble caused. This isn't the experience we want you to have.
We've sent you an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.
Thank you and keep us updated.