I've got the same problem with the error code: 0xA0010004
Hello Jei. Could you please share the exact error message you are receiving so that we can assist you to resolve it? Thank you.
Hello, same problem, 0xA0010004 and not activated MyAccount, could you send me an email to verificate please?
Very thanks to you.
When you install AVG_PC_TuneUp x64 pops up on the screen error message! Tell me what can I do? Skinshot error attached!
Thank you very much in advance!
Well when I'm installing the product I'm getting ths error. I've tried installing it twice and on both occasions I'm getting this error. What's the issue anyway?
Hi Jei,
I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I just checked that you have not yet verified your email account to activate your AVG My Account. Your product "AVG Protection multidevice (1 year subscription)" needs to be activated using your AVG My Account credentials. Please login to your email account(gmail.com) to access the email which I have just sent to verify. After activating, please try to install once again. If you receive any error message then please send us a screen-shot of the error message which will help us in identifying the exact issue. For more information on how to take a screen-shot, please click on http://avgread.me/1aZxsAV .
Thank you.
Upon checking your account, we see that you have already created and activated your AVG my account. We have sent you the reset password email, using that you can reset the password for my account if you have forgot it.
For which AVG program installation you are getting this 0xA0010004 error code?
Is it for AVG Protection free Multidevice program?
May I know the operating system installed on your PC?
Very thanks to you.