Tryed this it does not work still getting the same error codes. We have used AVG on all the computers we refurbish and customer computers as well really want to sort this out and get her back on line. do yoou have any further tips on what to do.

Thank you for the quick response. I will try this and let you know how it worked.

 a customer that has purchased your AVG AntiVirus disk. After seveal atemps on their own to load to computer it has come to our shop to load. This computer had malware and non malware issuse that have been solved but still to no avail can the purchased cd be down loaded.The error code is  0x0070643 Error message is : General internal error.
Additional message is : MSI Engine: Failed to install the product.
@AVGMSI_Error 27046
installation failed (0xc007001C)
Context : AVG product instalation, MSI action failed

Is there something here we are missing to get this customer back on their laptop and happy. I have loaded this program from the CD to the laptop entered the product code and prceeded to the final steps it ask to be registered with in 30 days that is when the problem starts.

Holley, Have a look @ this article (http://avgclick.me/1Jm576W).
AVG Guru
Hi Holley,
In order to analyze it please provide us with http://download.avg.com/filedir/util/AVG_SysInfo.exe output (run it after inducing described behavior) using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.

Thank you for the quick response. I will try this and let you know how it worked.

Tryed this it does not work still getting the same error codes. We have used AVG on all the computers we refurbish and customer computers as well really want to sort this out and get her back on line. do yoou have any further tips on what to do.

Holley, Have a look @ this article (http://avgclick.me/1Jm576W).
AVG Guru