Avg file destroyer erased my files without my permision

Hi Gabriel,

We understand your frustration. This is definitely not the experience we wanted you to have and we're truly sorry for discomfort caused.
However, we'd like to clarify that the 'Data Shredder' feature of AVG Internet Security/AVG Antivirus will not automatically select & delete files. The user has to manually choose the files that he/she wishes to delete & click on 'Confirm' to complete the action.
If you ever reconsider using AVG, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We'd be happy to help you. Have a great day. Stay safe!

I used to use AVG file destroyer to erase my downloaded files folder. Yesterday I did what I always did, but it was taking too long to complete (like for 2 to 3 minutes on that 99% completed bar), so I pushed "cancel". When I realized, the file destroyer had not only erased the downloaded files folder, but also erased lots of other folders in my computer (including some work mterial).

The only "assistance" I got from AVG was this Q&A lame comunity that did not helped me at all! 

Just spent 65 bucks on some recovery program that did not work.

Thanks a lot AVG!!! Now I have to take my computer to some specialist in data recovery. Never again I'll use your products.

Hi Gabriel,

We understand your frustration. This is definitely not the experience we wanted you to have and we're truly sorry for discomfort caused.
However, we'd like to clarify that the 'Data Shredder' feature of AVG Internet Security/AVG Antivirus will not automatically select & delete files. The user has to manually choose the files that he/she wishes to delete & click on 'Confirm' to complete the action.
If you ever reconsider using AVG, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We'd be happy to help you. Have a great day. Stay safe!