Clearly I am going to have to switch to another virus scanner, since the tech support at AVG are a bunch of imbeciles who clearly do NOT understand my problem. I am not a novice, don't you think I have TRIED the basic troubleshooting you are suggesting!?!
The program under "Firewall settings" lists Excel as "Allowed".
Yet, even though it says "Allowed", it STILL asks me whether I want to allow or block when I start Excel.
I am not sure how to explain the problem so that you can understand it, since, clearly, NONE of you understand what the problem is. ( despite your claims to the contrary)
Take a look at THIS screenshot of the firewall settings. Do you see that it is set to "allowed'?
Do you also see that the program is referencing TWO paths for Excel? One is in Windows format and the other is in DOS format (C:\progra~1 etc)
WHY IS YOUR PROGRAM DOING THAT ie referencing a DOS path!?! It is this path that is the problem.
There is NO error message. It just asks me EVERYTIME I start Excel, whether to allow or block access ie it does NOT remember that I click "Allow" everytime. I have attached a screenshot.
Hello Yahya,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. we do understand your concern. I kindly request you to change Firewall mode to automatic. To change your firewall mode please refer this link: .Please feel free to contact us again.
Thank you.
Hi all
I have AVG Internet Security. I prefer to run the Firewall in interactive mode.
When I open MS Excel, it asks me if I want to allow or deny. I click Allow, and I tick the "Remember this rule" box.
However, the next time I open Excel, it asks me again whether I want to allow or deny.
This only happens with Excel. Powerpoint, Word etc are fine, no problems.
What I notice is that if I click the details link, it shows the Excel path as d:\progra~1\microsoft office\office15\excel.exe (instead of d:\program files.…)
I'm not sure if this is important? My office is installed on a separate hard disk to the OS (OS is on c:, office on d:)
Hello Yahya,
We do apologize for the inconvenience caused. Could you please send us the screenshot of the error message?
Please feel free to contact us again.
Thank you.
There is NO error message. It just asks me EVERYTIME I start Excel, whether to allow or block access ie it does NOT remember that I click "Allow" everytime. I have attached a screenshot.
What kind of b#ullsh!t answer is this!?!? If I want to use interactive mode, I should bloody well be able to, without issues! Just because you're an idiot who can't/won't/doesn't know how to fix my problem, doesn't give you the right to give me a half baked answer lime this! Your product is not functioning like it should. How do I fix it!?! Please provide a more intelligent solution!
Hello Yahya,
Thank you for the screenshot as requested above. We understand your concern. Please have a look at this article ( ) and let us know if the issue still persists.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank You.
Hello Yahya,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. we do understand your concern. I kindly request you to change Firewall mode to automatic. To change your firewall mode please refer this link: .Please feel free to contact us again.
Thank you.