Hi Farah,
I have checked the details and it seems that you are facing issues with firewall, In this case Please check the firewall settings and enabled the 'file and printer sharing option' if it is disabled.
Thank you
I used paid version AVG Ultimate, after latest update I can't print to network printer till switch off Firewall.
I try many change with the firewall but still I can't print
And I see AVG signature in my outgoing email by MS outlook! how this activated ?
I used paid antivirus and my email sign with advertisement like free version ! till I switch it off.
I'm thinking a lot I will never renew my subscription with AVG again
Hi Farah,
I appreciate your effort you have done to fix the issue, In-order to check with the issue again Please try to uninstall and re-install the AVG Ultimate.
To uninstall the AVG Ultimate, Please follow the below process.
Start->control panel->Programs(Uninstall a program)->select all AVG product and uninstall it.
After Uninstall, Please use the below link for the AVG Ultimate installation.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you with your issue.
Thank you.
Hi Farah,
I have checked the details and it seems that you are facing issues with firewall, In this case Please check the firewall settings and enabled the 'file and printer sharing option' if it is disabled.
Thank you
Already I do that, but that not help me, same problem I can't print by network printer